The pritty page with pictures
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These are pictures....see what modern technology gets you.
These are some pics of me, my freinds and family, bands, Angelina Jolie and other stuff thats nifty. Enjoy!!!

At my sister graduation. 01'

My Homecoming (11/03/01)

Im pretty in Pink and eat 16 candels!!

I love these girls!!


Crystal me and Ted!! the sexy dog beast.

I have a nice ass.

Eat IT!!!!

Honestly dont you think shes fat too???

what a weiner

The talented Telena Atfeild of Kittie.

Oh....Fallon Bowman of Kittie is great!! We'll miss you!! **sniff**

Mercedes Lander of kittie and her little friend.

Morgan Lander of Kittie sings like an angel.....

All four Ladies on stage preforming.

Me and miss nacho gal herself, my best friend, Diana

St.Cloud HS Winterguard 2001 (me, in bottom row in center.)

Now Chezza's just too damn cute

Raise your arm, use your charm.

Angelina, playing "Lisa" in Girl Interuptted, and her puppet friend

My good friends Parfive...a kick ass band from Ohio. (check out their site on my links page)

So much hostility Dave......

We Love Jenn....LALALA!! Jenn Is cool!! YAY YAY YAY!

Christie Is a sexy beast and she is my boob bud

My sis drew this of me....aint it realistic??? (btw thats my ferret Bojangles in the corner. He loves me)

small collage of Maynard James Keenan of tool

spinning in the band room with terrible faces......eww

Yep we're a bunch of losers.

This is Kristie my freaky little friend. I love her!!

My two Puerto Rican princesses.

Thats all Folks!!!